At the Arlington Community Food Bank, we are thrilled about our Brown Barrel Program, an initiative where local businesses host brown barrels for collecting essential items from generous community members. By simply dropping off your non-perishable foods, toiletries, pet food, or baby products at any of our partner locations, you are playing a vital part in ending hunger in the greater Stillaguamish Valley.
Our collection partners include:

1-800 Got Junk
210 Cannabis Co.
Andrews Hay
Angel of the Winds Casino & Resort
Arlington Co-op
Arlington Grocery Outlet
Cascade Kropz
Coastal Community Banks -
Downtown & Smokey Point Branches
First Financial Northwest Bank
Glen Eagle Country Club & Restaurant
Hazel Blue Acres Blueberry Farm
Moe’s Espresso
PA Fitness
River Rock Tobacco & Fuel
Royal Storage
S&S Roofing
Stillaguamish Athletic Club
Stillaguamish Tribe of Indians
Symmetry Chiropractic
Please note that we can’t accept large/bulk items, expired food, or home canned items. Your contribution is a step towards a hunger-free community, and we immensely appreciate your support. Visit our website for more information on how you can further assist in our mission.